Saturday, May 12, 2007

For Jane

This blog is for Jane...cause she said that i dont update my blog. Anyhow its late and i just got back from watching spiderman 3 again. I watched it this time with Khush, Nishan and a boy named Suraj. From what i have been hearing the 3rd Spiderman was not a hit. Honestly i thought it was not too bad. I am a fan of the crazy spider...i actually dig the black outfit.

Well on the way home i talked to my cousins from India - they are all really excited to come over to the US for my wedding (many of them for the first time) and i could not think of a better time for them to come!!! Its going to be a crazy and fun time. I just cant wait for everything to begin.

Alright - well its bed time for me! Sorry that this blog did not have the educational factors of the previous posts - but as i said it was for jane.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Guess who's back...

Well, well...I know. You have been wondering where I have been for the past month and a half. Well - lets just say writing is not my first priority. So anyhow, im back and lets get on with the blog... know the thing that goes around your neck and is a mandatory fashion accessory when you go to a formal affair. Who in their right mind thought it was something that would add to the male wardrobe? Who the heck thought it would be something that looks good and feels comfortable? Some things just dont make any sense. How is that long, many times multi-colored piece of cloth attractive? You know what, if anyone has any good explanation of why ties enhance the appearance of someone please let me know...Thanks!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Stay Away

So I come to India and I was lied to...its not every day that you get lied to by people that care about you, but yes it definitely does happen and it happened to ME!

As many of you all know I spent a night in the hospital here in Delhi. Never have I had to stay a night in any hospital. The only time that I can remember was when I was given birth to. So you must be wondering what the hospital and being lied to have in common? Well the reason I landed up in the hospital was due to the fact that the medicine I was taking, doxycycline, which claims that you can eat anything you want and not get food poisoning, flat out did not work!!! I was lied to by the drugmakers and some doctors which I won't mention. So the moral of this story (blog) is you still have to be careful with what you eat while traveling abroad.

So what is it that actually causes you to not be able to eat certain foods or certain drinks? I am Indian and I am from India. What changes within our body when we go live in a different country that makes us not accustomed to the food or drink from the country we grew up in? I am sure that some doctors could tell me and give a full medical explanation but will they just be lying again?

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Comes to Mind

So I realized that this blog is not going to be your typical online journal like some other folks that we all know and love. Instead we are going to discuss what currently pops into my head. Hope its still enjoyable and keeps you reading and if not I really don't care (that was what I was thinking, sorry that it made it on "paper").

So your probably wondering whats on my mind now that you have an admission ticket? Have any of you really had freshly squeezed orange juice? Its very very different from the typical Tropicana (even though they say its freshly squeezed). I'm in Delhi if you all did not know and the live in servant, Gulab, makes me freshly squeezed OJ every morning when I come for breakfast. He sits there and squeezes about 6 oranges and serves it to me. Gotta love India. But on a side note the servants in India are different depending on region. In Delhi the live in cook and servant do EVERYTHING. Its in caps because I want to make sure everyone understands that it encompasses all!!! You want food; tell Gulab, you want your bed made; tell Gulab, you want a heater delivered to your room; tell Gulab, you want to be bathed (depending if your a guy or girl), you guessed it; tell Gulab! But in Bombay it seems to be a bit different. Over there the servants have their own lives. My place in Bombay has three servants. All three act like a live-in family in our house there. They are there to clean and cook but they do it on their own accord. If they are watching TV or eating their own food you can not bother them. Its quite a different attitude. I guess you really have to experience it to understand.

Well that's my first installment on my blog as I am on my way to the dining room for a 3 course breakfast! Hope you all enjoyed and will come back for more. For those of you that are not interested well go f#$k yourself.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Hello World. I am finally here.